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Broken Graduate, by T.R. Jamison, Shatters The Idyllic Vision Of Postgraduate Life

It’s a known fact that having a college degree makes your life easier. Doors open, jobs abound, and money seemingly hangs from trees. Or so many are taught to believe at young, impressionable ages as they’re deciding on their future after high school. Broken Graduate aims to shed light on the truth of the matter; nothing is as promised once postgraduate status is reached.


Earning a college degree has its benefits, there’s no doubt. But life after college isn’t as easy as it’s made out to be, as Broken Graduate so aptly points out. The poetry is in the form of one cohesive story, and is revolutionizing the modern view of post-grad life. Author T.R. Jamison shares his own experiences to create an accurate perspective of life after college. From the difficulty of finding a good job to experiencing heartbreak, Jamison covers it all. Exploring themes including depression, insecurity, and relationships, this tale is relatable to everyone, college grad or not.


This is evident in the fact that reviewers in all different points in their lives rave about the book. Students at Georgia State University claim, “T.R. Jamison is the first author and person who resonates with the students”. Older generations have said, “I've despised this modern day watered down poetry, but this young man is gifted. His work is universal for all ages, not just students”. One reviewer from HighArc Media declared, “I literally couldn't put the book down”.


Broken Graduate is revolutionary story that will forever change how students and postgraduates look at the world; it is the first book to truly prepare them for the real world.



T.R. Jamison, whose work has been published in India and Africa, is currently a student at Georgia Gwinnett College. He wrote Broken Graduate to provide students with a glimpse of their future, and post-graduates with validation that they’re not alone in their struggles. His mission is to help them adjust, excel, and thrive in the real world. His hope is that it will impact the community to understand the difficulties as well as propel the educational system towards action. Action that can better prepare its students for the transition into adulthood.


Media Contacts:
Contact Person: T.R. Jamison
Phone: 678-954-3718

Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: Sep 18, 2019 8:48am   Last visit date: Feb 13, 2025 9:11pm