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Explosive New Mystery, Thriller By Gerald Boltz

Fans of mystery/thrillers are in for a treat following the release of an explosive new thriller by Gerald Boltz. The book is available on Amazon, as well as the other two books in the Trenton Russell series. the book has been reviewed by Bruce Harris, author of 34 books that include several international bestsellers. Harris describes the novel as “a unique tale, beautifully written, thrilling, suspenseful, and heartwarming at the same time.”


Although the books are fictional, the Blackjack Player character is based on the author’s real life experience as a card counter in the mid-eighties in Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe. For more than ten years, Gerald was a successful blackjack player in some of the most exotic casinos in the world.


The author narrates the story of Trenton Russell, who was once a CIA analyst with almost magical abilities to solve riddles. When one of his missions goes south because the CIA refused to listen to his intel, and he loses a woman he loved, he quits the company in protestor reinvent himself as an investigative journalist. Still haunted and guilt ridden, he seeks refuge in playing high stakes blackjack. Counting cards evaporates the stress of too much conscience.


Sometimes the cards speak to him, revealing insights into mysteries he is grappling with. When his best friend’s daughter is kidnappedin Las Vegas, a city already terrorized by a serial killer, our hero tries once again to resurrect the magic. He soon discovers that all is not what it seems. What follows is a thrilling story that will keep the reader turning the pages.


The book is available at


About the author


Gerald Boltz is a writer, cartoonist, and political junkie living in the northern California delta. An exhibiting fine arts painter in northern California, he has now turned his creative endeavors to writing with four novels in the blackjack player series of mystery/thrillers so far.


Media Contact info

Gerald Boltz


Creation date: May 15, 2021 10:34pm     Last modified date: May 15, 2021 10:34pm   Last visit date: Feb 5, 2025 6:01pm