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Pit Viper Yankee Noodle

Creation date: Nov 1, 2022 12:12am     Last modified date: Nov 1, 2022 12:12am   Last visit date: Feb 11, 2025 4:33pm
1 / 20 posts
Nov 1, 2022  ( 1 post )  
Peter Vick (petervick)

In general, Pit Viper glasses have a positive reputation among consumers, though there is some mixed feedback on their performance. While the brand doesn't have a separate review section, it does have an extensive listing on TrustPilot. With 11 reviews, Pit Viper sunglasses have an average rating of 3.1/5 stars. Although the customer reviews are mostly positive, a few people complained about their product's slow shipping and a lost package.

The Pit Viper brand isn't a new brand. It was established in 2012 by Chuck Mumford and Chris Garcin. The brand's headquarters is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The company aims to attract a variety of customer demographics, including white nationalists and fun-loving punks. In the United States, the company sells over six hundred thousand pairs of sunglasses per year.