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I'm learning to play guitar

Creation date: Oct 8, 2023 12:32am     Last modified date: Oct 8, 2023 12:32am   Last visit date: Oct 20, 2024 5:53pm
2 / 20 posts
Oct 8, 2023  ( 1 post, 1 reply )  
Brian Torphy (joxojej)

I've only recently started learning to play guitar, but I'm already making progress. And now I want to figure out what a minor chord is on a regular guitar. Maybe someone can tell me more about it?

Ottis Pfannerstill (ladexo)

It is impossible to explain in a nutshell what minor chords on guitar are and how to play them, but I can give you a link to a very detailed breakdown that will tell you about minor chords on guitar. I think you will find this article very useful and I'm sure it will answer all your questions. Go to their website