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The Olympic Dream in Tokyo 2021: Edward Loose’s Campaign to Debut at Closing Ceremonies

(January, 2021. Bangkok, Thailand) – In 2020 the pandemic delayed the summer Olympics. Participants, athletes, trainers, and fans alike were disappointed by the delay, and for some, hopes were crushed. Yet Edward Loose is taking it as an opportunity to campaign for the chance to perform during the closing ceremonies. Loose’s music is a story of a dream that will play out in front of billions and unite the world.


While the dream of performing at the Olympics as a musician is often overlooked, yet it is a lifetime dream for Edward Loose. With fifteen years of training in the music profession and four years of explicitly training for the closing ceremonies. When asked why it is so important to debut The Dream at the Tokyo Olympics, Edward Loose stated, “It will inspire the next generation of Japanese musicians.”


Loose’s quest is supported through four social media campaigns, #PizzaForMusic, #TheOlympicRelayTorch, #LowCarbonMusic, and #The Final Line. All are currently running and seeking support from influencers and individuals to stimulate community engagement and promote A New Form of Music. Open to any collaboration, Loose is focused on helping promote #TheFinalLine for the closing ceremonies of the 2021 Olympics. #TheFinalLine is to have everyone sing ‘Hope Lights Our Way,’ the Olympic Slogan.


Bringing children of all ages together to sing with #PizzaForMusic has been a great start. Then, mixing in #LowCarbonMusic to find beauty in daily life with repeatable, sustainable action to inspire others to have fun while creating music. The third campaign, #TheOlympicRelayTorch, brings Loose to start a relay torch in Japan on March 31, 2021 – the same day as the real Olympic relay torch. This separate torch relay will focus on promoting independent music until the start of the 2021 Olympics. Then, on August 8, 2021, to debut at the closing ceremony and completed #TheFinalLine in unity with all attendees, participants, and viewers.


Edward Loose became the first microblogger in 2002 and continues to use social media today to further his visions of independent music and future music career. As a university professor, Loose lives in Thailand and works vigorously every day to create music and community. Loose can be found on many social media platforms, including,, and YouTube (search ‘Edward Loose’) or go to




Edward Loose

Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: Jan 11, 2021 4:50am   Last visit date: Jan 21, 2025 9:14am