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company registration in bulgaria

Creation date: Mar 24, 2023 10:05pm     Last modified date: Mar 24, 2023 10:05pm   Last visit date: Jan 3, 2025 6:03am
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Mar 24, 2023  ( 1 post )  
Justin Cornish (justincornishseo)

What is required to open a company in Bulgaria (Bulgarian company registration)? What are the most recommended types of trading companies serving small and medium businesses? Call us for Bulgaria company formation services and arrange any necessary changes in your company in Bulgaria as quickly, easily, efficiently, and independently as possible. Easy Company Registration in Bulgaria with our experienced lawyers in Bulgaria.

The two most used types of a commercial company in Bulgaria are two versions of LTD. However, our clients often hesitate whether to register one of the two versions of LTD or another one, called ET, as they are not familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of commercial companies.

The difference between the two versions of LTD is the number of people, contributing to the capital of the company. With an EOOD (the first version of LTD), the person who contributes the capital and is responsible for the company is one, and with an OOD (LTD) we are talking about two or more people who contribute the capital. EOOD can be registered by any person over the age of 18, as well as any other commercial company or non-profit organization. The minimum capital that must be contributed to establishing one of the two versions of LTD is BGN 2 lv, and there is no limit on the amount of the maximum capital. The minimum equity contribution to the capital of the LTD is 1 EUR.  company registration in bulgaria

EOOD (the first version of LTD) is the preferred type of company, compared to ET, as lower taxes are due, opening a company in Bulgaria procedure is simplified, and the trader is only liable up to the amount of the company’s capital. With an EOOD, the trader is not responsible for the obligations of the company with his personal property. We will guide you through which is best for your business if you don’t know.

How to Open a Company in Bulgaria (Bulgarian company registration)

The first step you should take when registering a company in Bulgaria (Bulgaria company formation) is the preparation of the necessary documents. The second step is choosing a bank where you will open a current account for the company and deposit the minimum required capital for registration. By bank transfer, you must also pay a fee for the registration of the commercial company. Once you are done with the first two steps, a visit to a notary’s office follows, where the person chosen as manager of your commercial company gives his consent to perform the position and submits a model signature. The final element of opening a company in Bulgaria procedure is submitting the documents to the Trade Register. Stanimir Stoyanov lawyer assists in the preparation of documents and company registration. We offer you the simplest way to launch and run a business in Bulgaria.