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We are all condemned to death for our past sins before being born of God.

When we repent, all past sins which required our death because of the law of sin and death are forgiven.

Rom 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

The Greek word for "handwriting of ordinances" which were nailed to the cross (KJV) is "cheriographon" which means - a certificate of debt.
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

The Biblical concept of sin is that when we sin we owe a debt to God which can only be paid by the shedding of blood - our death.

Remember the Lord's prayer.. Father forgive us our debts..."?

Paul was referring to the Roman practice of nailing a list of the crimes a person has committed to the cross when that person was crucified as an analogy for what was nailed to the cross of Christ.

Spiritually speaking what was nailed to the cross was a list of all our past sins (debts) which are covered by the blood (death) of Jesus.

Harold Kupp

Quote: "What was nailed to the Cross was not the "law-nomos" but the cheirographon, a term which occurs only in Colossians 2:14. Its meaning has been clarified by its occurrence in apocalyptic literature where cheirographon is used to designate the "record-book of sin" or the certificate of sin-indebtedness but not the moral or ceremonial law.14

By this daring metaphor Paul affirms that through Christ, God has "cancelled," "set aside," "nailed to the cross" "the written record of our sins which because of the regulations was against us." The legal basis of the record of sins was "the binding statutes, regulations" (tois dogmasin) but what God destroyed on the Cross was not the legal ground (law) for our entanglement in sin, but the written record of our sins.

By destroying the evidence of our sins, God has also "disarmed the principalities and powers" (2:15) since it is no longer possible for them to accuse those who have been forgiven. There is no reason therefore for Christians to feel incomplete and to seek the help of inferior mediators, since Christ has provided complete redemption and forgiveness.

We conclude then that the document nailed to the cross is not the law in general or the Sabbath in particular, but rather the record of our sins. Any attempt to read into it a reference to the Sabbath or to any other Old Testament ordinance is an unwarranted and gratuitous fantasy." Bacchiocchi

Creation date: Feb 28, 2009 10:25am     Last modified date: Jul 22, 2017 2:04pm   Last visit date: Feb 6, 2025 6:58pm
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