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Many churches are teaching that a person may continue in sin and still have eternal life. This seductive lie of the "Carnal Christian" is based on two new ideas that have been allowed to creep into church doctrine.  The first "idea" is "Saved by Grace"

"For by grace you have been saved THROUGH FAITH" Ephesians 2:8 NAS

We are not saved by grace, we are saved THROUGH FAITH.  God grants us the gift of faith and through faith we are able to be saved.

We are allowed to escape from the death sentence we have earned by sin, only by the grace (an unmerited favor) of a merciful God.  We deserve eternal death, yet God has
graciously granted us a way of salvation, THROUGH FAITH.  The Apostle Paul said:
"Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By NO means!  On the contrary, we uphold the law." Romans 3:31 RSV

Clearly, "faith" does not excuse us from obedience to the law of God; rather, through a true saving faith we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey God's Ten Commandments.


In the Greek (from which the New Testament is translated) the words rendered as "believe" and "faith" are closely related. The word for "believe" (Pisteuo) is the verb form of the word used for faith (Pistis).

This brings us to the second "idea" that the church system has adopted in order to please itching ears and teach the mystery of LAWLESSNESS:   "If a person 'believes', he has eternal life."

"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; BUT HE WHO DOES NOT OBEY THE SON  SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, but the wrath of God abides on him."  John 3:36 (NAS)

That statement from John's Gospel declares that only those who obey truly believe. (i.e. only those who obey "have faith".)


IF - The one who believes in the Son has eternal life:
AND - the one who does not obey the Son shall not see life:
THEN - The one who does not obey the Son, does not believe in the Son.

(For it is clear that the one who shall not see life, does not have eternal life.)

Therefore, only those those who obey the Son are true believers with a faith that saves. We may be disobedient or we may be a believer, but not both.  If we do not obey the
Son, we shall not see life. The Son said:

"If you would enter life, keep the commandments." Matthew 19:16 RSV

If you do not obey God and set your will to keep all His Commandments (including the Sabbath), you have not yet made Jesus "Lord", you shall not see life, and the wrath of God remains on YOU.

Harold and Donna Kupp

Creation date: Mar 3, 2009 1:08pm     Last modified date: Jul 15, 2017 6:28pm   Last visit date: Jan 15, 2025 11:14pm
2 / 1000 comments
Jun 25, 2024  ( 1 comment )  
Maximilian Hohenzollern (maximilianhohenzollern)

I can't say I'm religious, though sometimes things happen that seem like they can only be explained by some higher plan. I have mixed feelings about religion and faith. A lot of my interests seem to contradict religion, like astrology. Religious people don't usually like esoteric stuff.

Jun 26, 2024  ( 1 comment )  
Grey Fendy (greyfendy)

I'm not religious, don't go to church, and don't wear a cross. But I believe there are some forces that control the world and individual destinies. Speaking of significance of numbers, I've been really into numerology lately, reading articles from experts who explain the meaning of each number. I think numbers do have some power, and maybe we can get signs from fate through them. What do you think?

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