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Some people think that the Hebrew word "Elohim"  proves
a Trinity of three persons  simply because it is the plural form
of the singular Eloah.


"  1.  Many Hebrew words are plural in construction but singular
      in usage, such as "face", "life", "water" and "heaven".
      Even so, the meaning of these words and the verbs that are
      used with them are singular.

  2.  Elohim (when applied to God) is always used with a
      singular verb.

  3.  In these cases, individual gods are called Elohim:

           Jdg 8:33       Baalberith
           Jdg 11:24      Chemosh
           Jdg 16:23      Dagon
           1Ki 11:5       Ashtoreth
           2Ki 1:2-3      Baalzebub
           2Ki 19:37      Nisroch
           Ex 32:1-31     The (single) golden calf

      Although it is possible for Elohim to apply to multiple "gods":

           1Sa 28:13      spirit beings
           Ps 82:1-6      human rulers or judges

  4.  We must especially note Ashtoreth, with its -eth ending,
      which signifies a FEMALE SINGULAR identity. And yet
      Ashtoreth is called Elohim, which is a MALE PLURAL noun.
      How can this be, if Elohim necessitates three persons?
      Clearly it does not.

  5.  Elohim wrestled with Jacob, yet there was only one being
      wrestling with him (Gen 32:24-28).

  6.  The Bible applies "Elohim" to Moses (Ex 7:1), but no one
      suggests that there were three persons in Moses.

  7.  The Bible applies "Elohim" to Jesus Christ (Ps 45:6, Zech
      12:8-10; 14:5), but no one suggests there are three
      persons in Christ.

 In many ways, the Bible shows that the word "Elohim" in entirely
singular in concept, despite its grammatical plurality. There was only one
golden calf called Elohim, only one being called Elohim wrestled with Jacob,
and only one being, Jesus Christ, called Elohim. "

Harold Kupp

Creation date: Apr 5, 2009 7:43am     Last modified date: Jul 29, 2017 11:55am   Last visit date: Sep 18, 2024 6:34am
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