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Keep and Share Demo User Stories
Keep and Share Demo User Stories

meadowstone is a site for a 33 unit condominium building at a Tahoe ski resort.  It is a good example of communicating among a very diverse and distracted membership.  The 28 private documents include agendas and minutes for all board meetings and annual meetings, PDF files with governing articles and amendments, member roster in excel spreadsheet, official association policies & rules.  The 4 public shares include instructions and directions for visitors to the resort and useful bookmarks to highway & weather sites.

Three sites by the S.F. Swedenborgian church:
  • swedenborg is a site both for church members and the interested public.   It's public shares include a calendar, 15 documents (e.g., preaching schedule, service readings, scripts and guides for guest ministers), and 9 bookmarks on the church's denomintation/theology.   In addition there is a second calendar use for internal staff schedule - accessible only by the staff.  Also there are over 150 addresses in the address book, accessible only by church members.  Photos from the church photo board were placed in the address book.
  • mywedding is a completely public reference collection of 34 different documents for prospective wedding couples (there are over 100 weddings a year at the church).   Dcouments include folders on "About your wedding", "Ceremonies" (actual scripts for 12 different styles of wedding ceremony), a map to the church, a reservation form, and documents on Reception information and Vendors.
  • hospitality is a small site with 3 documents used to coordinate volunteer activity at the church. It was started and run by the volunteer coordinator and she can easily update the instructions/schedules to coordinate over 20 volunteers for 15 events per month.

jemma is a college student who keeps in touch with her high school and college friends with 20 very humorous and creative photblogs.

aaronroper is a 20-something married man whose 22 public photo blogs keep his friends and family in touch.  His wife then does spin control with her site croper (public info includes 33 documents (9 christmas gift wish lists for family members, christmas letters, all her letters from her college semester abroad, and 65 photo blogs). 

is a SF book group account.   A calendar lists upcoming meetings and locations, a folder contains background articles on this month's book, and other documents keep lists of books read in past years and also an address list.

jimwilson is a share page with a few attached documents for the friends and family of 47-year old Jim Wilson to recive updates and news on Jim's progress after a nearly fatal motorcycle accident on September 12.  He remains in critical condition but has been improving since the day of the accident when he was given "0-1%" chances of living.  The site is easy to update with the latest news on a daily basis and visitors can leave comments expressing support.

mustangsoccer  is a college soccer team site.   The coach is a complete techno-phobe but this share page has garnered over 2000 page views/month over last 7 months.  The public documents include 60 documents, 42 photo blogs, and 10 bookmarks.  Documents include game schedule, recruiting documents, program history, "meet the players" and coach profiles.  The coach says the site not only helps bind the team and school together, but has been an effective recruiting tool because of the information he can easily communicate to prospects.

synergy is a small site used by one committee of a school board.  All committee agendas and minutes, policies and goals are stored and shared among 8 committee members, as well as the school budget excel file.

partnersforchrist is a small site (6 documents, 9 photo blogs) for a young lady who has formed her own, 1-person missionary organization to support her work in Mexico.

Creation date: Oct 31, 2006 8:47pm     Last modified date: Oct 31, 2006 8:47pm   Last visit date: Dec 12, 2024 3:49am
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