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Prayer Requests
Midway Men's Group
Prayer Requests
 Prayer Request
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Brother's surgery     
Surgery was successful, and his recovery is going well.
Mom died
Healthy baby
Pregnancy still going well
Father has cancer
Still going through cemo
Daughter has appendicitis
Successful appendectomy
Kids all have the flu, prayer that he and Susan won't get it
They stayed healthy.
Growth in our relationships with God
Grandmother is dying
She went peacefully surrounded by family
Marriage problems

Creation date: Dec 5, 2006 8:51pm     Last modified date: Jan 21, 2007 4:34pm   Last visit date: Oct 18, 2024 8:13am
2 / 1000 comments
Aug 29, 2007  ( 1 comment )  
Suesan Borts (suesanb)
Please pray that God will finally answer me in what way he wants my life to go. I have been really depressed lately and have been waiting on God to talk to me and Chuck and let us know what he has for us in all aspects of our lives. Especially our friendship. We both believe whole heartedly in God and want his will for our lives. Please pray that God will show us what his will is and do so quickly and in a manner that we both know came from him. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones.
Jan 12, 2008  ( 1 comment )  
Erika Erika (lovestorms)
I need to request a prayer.  I beleive in the power of mass prayer.  I'm depressed due to uncontrollable rage (that is unexpressed) because of childhood sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma.  I am 39 years old and I still feel no relief from the deep grief and pain and mental anguish I go through daily.  Yes I've been in counselling and continue to go.  Been doing that off and on since I was 20 years old.  It still hurts just as much as it did then even though I talk about and work through it, it still is such a driving force in my life that I cannnot seem to shake the negative feelings I have towards myself.  Self hate, irrational fear of others etc.  I can never change what happened.  But I would like to be able to function normally.  I have become so filled with fear at the outside world, I stay at home constantly, that I have become boxed into a life that is empty.  Devoid of people except for my children.  I have the same pattern every day.  I wake up, my first thought is "oh, another day to live through",  I yell at my son (who's completely innocent) because he is crawling all over me to wake me up and get up out of bed.  I then get up out of bed, take medication, go to the computer and sit there all day to escape only to move when I absolutely have to.  To feed my son.  Go to the bathroom.  My life is all grey.  No color in it.  I try to fake it till I make it and I do succeed but then my patterns come back to the feelings of worthlessness.  I need  a healing prayer.  I have to be able to function out side in the real world.  I am coming close to actually think of suicide as an option, the pain is so great.  I am not a believer in suicide at all because it's a sin and the after effects are great to the remaining survivors.  It was not an option at all before now it's becoming one.
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