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Pumpkin Carrot Cake Muffins

Pumpkin Carrot Cake Muffins -- makes 36 regular-sized muffins

1 cup packed brown sugar
10 tablespoons butter, softened
1 1/3 cup vanilla yogurt
2 cups pumpkin puree
2 large eggs
4 tablespoons orange juice
3 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cup carrots, grated
2 cup whole wheat flour
2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cold milled flax
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice

Sweetened Orange Cream Cheese (optional)

16 ounces cream cheese
7 tablespoons powdered sugar
5 tablespoons orange juice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 36 muffin cups with baking liners.

Grate the carrots (I use a box grater and use the second largest sized hole). Set aside.

In a medium sized bowl, combine the carrots, flours, flax, baking powder and soda, cinnamon and allspice. Stir to mix well. Set aside.

Combine the brown sugar and butter in a large bowl. Beat using a stand mixer or a hand mixer until smooth. Add the eggs and beat until incorporated. Stir in the yogurt, pumpkin, orange juice, and vanilla.

Add the flour mixture to the sugar/butter/egg mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until well mixed, but do not over beat.

Add a scant 1/4 cup of batter to each muffin cup, making about 36 muffins in all. Bake at muffins at 350 degrees for 14-16 minutes, or until cooked through when tested with a toothpick. Remove muffins from the pan and cool on a wire rack completely.

To freeze: Place completely cooled muffins into gallon sized freezer zip bags in one layer, about 9 will fit in a bag. Using a straw, remove any excess air and zip the bag. Place in the freezer, it’s ok to stack the bags on top of each other, for up to 2 months (good luck getting them to last that long!).

Remove as many muffins as you need at a time and either thaw at room temperature or heat in the toaster oven or microwave. Frost with the sweetened cream cheese, if desired.

For the sweetened cream cheese: Place all the ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Alternatively, you can use a bowl and a hand mixer. Cream cheese will store for up to a week in the refrigerator. (I have not tested freezing it.)

Creation date: Jul 24, 2010 11:00am     Last modified date: Oct 19, 2010 10:14am   Last visit date: Sep 16, 2024 7:09pm
4 / 1000 comments
Oct 19, 2010  ( 3 comments )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)
Another great recipe - sounds yummy!!! I'll try these for our Brumder guests!!
Monica Galvan (monica)
Looks so good!  I've been eating your scones every morning this week.  They are sooooo good I don't even need butter!
Kathy Carr (kathy)
These sound very healthy!
Oct 23, 2010  ( 1 comment )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)
I made them today and they make a good sized batch!
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