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2007 Christmas Letter

2007 has turned out to be our last year as a family of two. 


In January, Aaron and I went on our church high school snow retreat, and got to go skiing together for the first time.  I got a new most embarrassing moment story when I somehow failed to get off the lift in time and the operator was sleeping and failed to stop it in time, and thus began my ride of shame back down the mountain.  In February, we celebrated my 26th birthday with a surprise dinner at the Melting Pot, with three courses of fondue, and the best dessert of my life.  In March, the Carr family celebrated my Grandma Marie's 80th birthday.  In April, thinking we wouldn't be starting a family for a couple more years, we got a new puppy, Carl.  He came from our next door neighbor's litter, so we got to see him from day 1.  He is a Boston Terrier.  I never thought I'd be a small dog person, but he is quite the snugglebug.  We also spent a great weekend at my uncle's condo in Kirkwood with some friends.  In May, we celebrated the first birthdays of our niece Georgia and nephew Wesley.  We also hosted Mother's Day for the Roper family at our house again. 


In June, I hosted a lemon and lime themed bridal shower for my sister Monica.  We went to Yerington, NV for what ended up being my last chance to ride my dirt-bike for awhile.  Aaron is able to ride again now, though he always wears his wrist brace, and is more careful now (due to the wrist incident in 2005, and subsequent months in a cast).  I enjoyed seeing old friends from high school when I attended a beach wedding of one of my oldest friends.


In July, we celebrated Aaron's 25th birthday, which this year was on 7/7/07, a Saturday.  Being the weirdo that I am, I felt the need to do something special.  We had yet to go to Disneyland together since we met.  Aaron had been talking for awhile now about how he was wanting to go.  So I decided to go big, and bought 2-day park-hopper passes.  We hadn't been since they opened up California Adventure, or re-designed Space Mountain, so we were pretty excited.  It sure was hard keeping it all a surprise for Aaron.  He'd been told we were doing something Thursday night.  But he didn't know we were going out of town, though he had started to get suspicious, after too much brainstorming with his brother.  But then he came home Thursday afternoon, and didn't see any bags packed, and the puppy was there, and I was dressed up like we were going out to dinner.  So he was very confused.  We hopped in the car, drove down Twin Cities to I-5, then started south.  I wanted to tell him before we got too far, and he figured it out, so I pulled off a few miles later in Thornton, and gave him a card to open, while videoing his reaction.  He was indeed surprised and thrilled.  We had a blast.


On Sunday evening, August 12, we were surprised to find out that I was pregnant.  We took two tests to confirm it.  The timing was neat, as it was just days before my sister Monica's wedding, so we were able to tell all of my family members in person.  My mom was so distracted with wedding stuff, she was a little slow to catch on.  Everyone was pretty surprised, and it was such fun getting to tell everyone in different ways, and see their reactions.  It is the first grandchild and great-grandchild on my side of the family, and the fifth grandchild on Aaron's side.  We found out shortly afterwards that Aaron's brother Dallas and his wife Jennifer are expecting their third child.  She is due about a month after me.  My due date is April 1st, so I'm over the half-way mark, and really growing now.  On August 18, my sister Monica married Oscar Galvan at my parents house.  Everything looked beautiful, and it was a fun reception with a full dance floor.  They went on an awesome honeymoon to Costa Rica, and are now living in Tijuana.  Also in August, our second nephew, William Thomas Roper IV was born, and we celebrated our fourth anniversary with a little trip to Santa Cruz.


The fall has been busy now with preparing for baby.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I sure enjoyed the food.  The last week in November, I finally started feeling the baby move.  We look forward to the addition to our family, while treasuring these last few months of being just us.


Our jobs are still the same.  Church stuff keeps us busy.  In June, we finished Year 1 of the Journey, an intensive discipleship/leadership class.  I am now taking the Year 2 class, while Aaron still helps out with the high school group on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings.  He is also involved with the new I Raised My Hand Ministry, a follow-up program for new Christians.  I am also helping facilitate a Healed and Set Free class for teen girls on Sunday mornings, and continuing to teach the 4-5 year olds with my mom, which all makes for a marathon 5 hour Sunday morning.


To see pictures from the past year, visit my website at


Wishing you a Merry Christmas!   ~Aaron, Christina & Baby

Creation date: Nov 25, 2007 8:39pm     Last modified date: Nov 24, 2009 6:31pm   Last visit date: Feb 8, 2025 3:01pm
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