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Volunteer interests signup



Volunteer Interests Signup
Adoption Application reviewing:
 Contact veterinarian, county, landlord and / or parents to collect information and to forward this information to Lori at the YCSPCA.
 Keep in contact with applicant to let them know their application is being reviewed and inform them of the adoption procedures if their application is approved.
 Please annotate the best number to contact.  Best to have email access to receive the application information.
 Coordinator should have email access.  Coordinator would receive the application and ensure that the application is being reviewed and that the applicant is being informed of the process.  The person who is “assigned” the application would be the point of contact for Lori for further information.

Coordinator: Jo W.  717-632-4648
  Betty N. 717-873-3532  


Adoption - release of cat(s) to adopter at PetSmart:
We think it is important to have a representative from the SPCA at the time of adoption to meet with the new adopter and release the cat(s).   Persons wishing to help with this can annotate their availability on the “available for adoption” calendar on the site with the calendar.
 Please annotate the best phone number to contact.
 The coordinator would be the point of contact for Lori to call that there is a cat being adopted to make arrangements for a volunteer to meet the adopter at PetSmart.  Assistant coordinator would be the 2nd person she could contact if first is not available.  Would be best for someone that is available by cell phone and have email access.  Once it is known that a cat is being adopted, to send out email as to the adoption time / date.

Coordinator: Melissa
once she notifies when she wants to start
Asst. Coordinator:
 Betty N. 717-873-3532  Jo W. 717-632-4648
Kimberlyn B   309-8914 Rachel K. 814-599-4195


New volunteer orientations:  
 Available to contact persons who have submitted a volunteer application and to coordinate a time for someone to meet with them to show the procedures for the YCSPCA at PetSmart
 Please annotate the best phone number to contact
 Coordinator would receive the volunteer application and make arrangements for the applicant to be contacted for scheduling an orientation.

 Would be beneficial to have email access to receive the application information.


Coordinator:  Betty N. 717-873-3532

Rachel 814-599-4195

Jo W. 717-632-4648







Transport Cats - supplies to and / or from YCSPCA:
 Cats that need to be taken to or brought from YCSPCA / PetSmart.  Also if available to take items to York SPCA
 There is a “Hanover” bin at YCSCPA if you are going there and can pick up items that are in it.

Beneficial to have email access to receive transport request.
 Please annotate the best phone number to contact.
 Coordinator would be the primary point of contact.

Coordinator: Melissa C. 717-916-8429  
 Deb S.  717 632-2066  cell # 717 479-2344   Sue Shue - 717-891-2017                                                     

Adoption packets:
 Inserting printed information into adoption bags which are then given to the new owners.
 Decorating the adoption bag
 Supplies will be provided

Coordinator:  Jo
Linda L. Lindsay D.


 Please annotate additionally if you are interested in providing baked goods or crafts as fundraisers for events.
 Coordinator is the point of contact and should be willing to contact volunteers to help with the event, ensure that informational items for display are obtained and communicate with the host of the event.
 Please annotate the best phone number to be contacted.

Jo W.  baked goods / crafts   632-4648 Elizabeth Kohut baked goods 919-961-1569                                                            
Rachel baked goods 814-599-4195                                  
 Melissa 717-916-8429  
 MJ 717-495-8825  

Adoption followups:
 Responsible for contacting adopters to inquire if there are any problems and to find out how their new family member is doing.
 Emailing volunteers as to how the cat is doing

Coordinator:  Brian 793-0440  Betty      
 Rachel 814-599-4195  

Photographing the cats at York County SPCA to post to the photo site:
 Available to go to YCSPCA with digital camera to photograph cats and information.  Then to submit the photos / information for posting to the photo site.
 Please annotate if you would like to photograph and or post the photos to the site.
    - obtain current census from YCSPCA - edit this census to obtain list of cats to be photographed
    - arrange date / time for photographing of cats at York SPCA that are not already listed on the photo site  

Coordinator:  Jo W.  photograph and  post
Deb P.  photograph and post  Melissa I can help with the cats (don't have a camera or computer)
 Rachel K. photograph and post  


Reproduction of printed materials:
 Please annotate the item that you are able to reproduce and responsible to ensure there is an ample supply available to the public



Jo W. - business cards  adoption applications -
 volunteer applications -   










Maintains the online calendar where volunteers sign up to clean the cats at PetSmart.  Sends out alerts for dates / times that need to be filled.

Notifies new volunteers how to access the calendar to sign up.

Coordinator: Steph Sullivan  



Collecting and distributing donated items.

      Megan Powers 717-572-0723




Carol Baumgartner  Lydia Hoover




compile newsletter monthly with cats that were adopted, updates on cats and new volunteer welcome

Post newsletter to website

Print newletter for adoption notebook


 Kimberlyn  309-8914  

Creation date: Sep 13, 2012 6:05am     Last modified date: May 11, 2014 10:06am   Last visit date: Dec 11, 2024 7:44pm
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