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my childrens story book

Un semana dventura en China / A Week Adventure in China../

Tu Sabes… / Did you know…


Page One.

Rosa wanted to travel to a country far far away.  There are many countries in the world, but there is one country with many, many people.  And that is the country that Rosa visited.  It’s name is China.  Did you know that there are (1,298,847,624) over one billion people in China?!

Rosa quire viajar a el pais lejos, lejos ______.  Hay muchos paises en el mundo, pero hay es un pais con muchos, muchos personas.  Y este el pais que Rosa visito.  El nombre es China.  Tu sabes que haya son __________ personas en China??


Day One

-grocery  mart

Rosa ‘s adventure in China was for one week.  Everyday was new and exciting.  On the first day Rosa went to the market.  At the market she saw lots of different kinds of animals from the sea.  Did you know that you can buy live fish in the market?




Day 2

-         Great Wall

The next day Rosa went to the Great Wall.  The Great Wall is very, very famous.  Did you know that it is 4,500 miles long?  Did you know that it is over 2000 years old??
It's more than 2,000 years old, but the Great Wall of China remains one of the great wonders of the world, an engineering feat rarely matched in the 22 centuries since its construction began. Stretching 4,500 miles, from the mountains of Korea to the Gobi Desert, it was first built to protect an ancient Chinese empire from marauding tribes from the north. But it evolved into something far greater — a boon to trade and prosperity and ultimately a symbol of Chinese ingenuity and will.



Day 3
- village


On day three of Rosa’s great adventure in China she left the city to go to a village.  In the village she met many nice people.  Did you know that during harvesting season the whole village works together to harvest the crops?  Did you know that they separate the wheat from the chaff by throwing it up in the air with a broom?

Day 4
- school

The next day Rosa went to school.  Did you know that in China every morning all the children exercise together to music?  Did you know that children start learning English in kindergarten?  Did you know that a child can start kindergarten at age 2??



Day 5
- ride a bicycle cuz that’s what everyone does

Bicycles, bicycles, bicycles.  Can you count the bicycles.  Did you know that in China most people do not drive cars, but ride bicycles to work, to school, to the market?  Rosa was very excited and tried riding a bicycle.

Day 6
- eat in a restaurant or make food

On Rosa’s last day, she wanted to eat a lot of Chinese food.  So, Rosa went to a restaurant.  At the restaurant they gave her 22 different dishes of food!!  Did you know that in China you eat rice at almost every meal?!

Page 8
-closure, wrap up.

Rosa loved China very much.  She loved the food, the sights, the stores, the culture, but most of all she loved the people.




?? day at zoo – panda

Creation date: Jul 1, 2005 1:31am     Last modified date: Jul 1, 2005 1:31am   Last visit date: Jan 31, 2025 12:27pm
3 / 1000 comments
Jul 1, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 2, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)
Also, how about just using the days of the week to introduce each page?? Domingo, lunes, martes, etc.
Aug 8, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Matt Ward (mattward)
looking god.  you are a natural
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