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05 Rio

Update Received June 2013:  Rio came home with us from the adoption event and he took to his new life very easily. He quickly lived up to his reputation from his foster and became a lap dog right away in everyone's lap! We've discussed how interesting that will be when he reaches his full size. He loves to get his belly rubbed and intentionally flops himself on the ground, with his stomach facing up, to make sure you know that's where he likes to be pet. He is a complete love bug and runs right into your arms and lap when you get home no matter if you were gone all day or 5 minutes, he just loves the attention and he gets a lot of it!

Rio has mastered his kennel and is almost fully potty trained already. We've worked hard to limit his nipping and mouthing but sometimes he needs reminders to stay "off" from nipping everyone. He has had a very curious time getting to know the kitties in our home, and seems to enjoy staring at them and trying to eat their tails which they are not to fond of, but have helped train them both to accept each other. He has already met a distant husky relative who is full grown and although he was scared of at first and alot smaller, Rio played up to the bigger dog's size for literally hours on end, needless to say, Rio crashed at nights end and didn't wake up until the morning. :-) We also never knew how often people loved to stop and pet puppies until we began taking Rio on small walks and couldn't stop getting compliments on how adorable and cute he was.

We look forward to having him continue to grow and give him a happy and loving home for his whole life. We sent some pictures along of him!

Creation date: Jun 19, 2011 8:02am     Last modified date: Jun 30, 2013 11:37am   Last visit date: Feb 18, 2025 5:44pm
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