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03 Wally

Update Received July 2013: I had some pictures of Wally that I thought you might want to see. One is from when Wally graduated obedience school. He did really well. He's a very quick learner. We've been taking him to the dog park a lot and he really enjoys swimming and retrieving a ball from the water. Today he made up a game where he ran away from me at the dog park (when it was time to go, of course), and then he would watch to make sure I was still following him before he kept going, then I turned my back and I could see him sneaking up behind me. What a silly dog. The last few pictures were taken with our engagement photos. Wally is such a great dog. Thank you so much for giving him a nice home before he came to live with us. I'm so glad he had a nice home instead of being in a kennel for that whole time.

Creation date: Jun 19, 2011 8:02am     Last modified date: Oct 20, 2013 11:04am   Last visit date: Jan 29, 2025 6:10pm
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