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Medical Information while in MX
Regarding the insurance: For your Information, each of you have accident & Sickness Insurance Plan while in Queretaro under the California State University Study Abroad program.  The policy is under: Administrative Concepts, Inc. (ACI) is an independently owned firm dedicated exclusively to the processing of medical claims for student medical insurance programs.

Web site:

Procedure: When an expense is incurred, do I pay the medical provider or does the insurance company?
You pay the medical bill, and then submit the paid receipt to ACI with the itemized bill and any payment due will be sent to you. In case of a major accident,  and if OIP is required to pay the hospital up front, the insurance claim needs to designate that reimbursement is to be payable to CSU International programs.

When an expense is incurred, do I need to file the claim or will the provider do it for me?
Usually a private physician will require that you complete the claim form, attach the detailed itemized bill, and mail it to the Claims Administrator (include your paid receipt if you paid the physician).

Administrative Concepts, Inc. 888-293-9229
997 Old Eagle School Rd., Suite 215
Wayne, PA 19087-1706

Phone: 610-293-9229

I have the necessary form should you need to use the insurance.
Alberto M Ochoa, CSU Professor of Policy Studies
at San Diego State University  & Resident Director
CSU IP International Programs in Mexico

Creation date: Aug 19, 2005 5:17am     Last modified date: Aug 19, 2005 5:17am   Last visit date: Feb 9, 2025 11:45pm
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