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"Failing to submit is the most common cause of divorce nowadays.What should we do as men besides prayer.?"
Well, don't yell at her --because you will have to go to her and tell her that you are sorry that you didn't act in love; and then, ask her to forgive you. smile emoticon
It is vital for a husband to teach his wife (from the scriptures) what God requires of her. If he is not able to do that calmly and with tenderness then he needs to find a quiet place and write the lesson down for her to read.
It is good when husbands can include their wives in the process of making decisions. She needs to know that he values her contribution, and that she can freely give it --until, he says: "I have made a decision." Then, she smiles and accepts it.
The man has an awesome responsibility before God in how he treats his wife. Her needs must be considered and the fact that she is the weaker vessel. Otherwise, his prayers will be hindered.
"Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1 Peter 3:7
It is so important for men to read the Proverbs and other scriptures to get the wisdom, knowledge and understanding required for the leadership of their families.
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