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#0 Read to Obey

     Read to Obey (Learning & Obeying) 


James 1:22  "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." NIV

  1. What does God say we are doing when we read the Bible but don't "Do what is says"?
  2. "Read to Obey" includes both learning and obeying


Joshua 1.8  "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." NIV

  1. What does God want us to be careful to do? 
  2. Why does God want us to do that?
  3. And how can we be careful to do everything? (look at first two phrases of the verse)



  1. Ask God for help in learning and obeying his word (Psalms 119:34).
  2. Identify (by highlighting or underlining) what God wants you to DO in today's reading and mark the key ones. If you only have a few minutes just identify the ones that stand out to you. They can be ones to (S.P.E.C.K.):
    1. Sin to avoid: 
    2. Promise to trust:
    3. Example to follow or not to follow: if it’s clearly taught in another passage
    4. Command to obey: any instruction
    5. Key Truth to remember: Truths (about God, salvation, godliness, ...)
  3. What do the commands, promises, truths mean? Study them yourself and ALSO use Study Bibles to teach you. 
    1. has 80+ Study Bibles both on phone app and computer browser to use. 
  4. If you have time read all of the ESV Study Bible study notes for today's reading. You will learn so much from reading the notes. Next year you can use a different Study Bible.



  1. Pray over all of your highlights asking God how he wants you to do them with his power & wisdom.
  2. Pick one instruction/promise to focus on obeying/trusting.
    1. Look at multiple Study Bibles on that verse to learn it well.
  3. Write at least one sentence as your response back to God. It could be in form of a prayer asking for help to do it or a prayer of thanks or a prayer of . The more effort you put on this the more you'll grow.
  4. Remember, doing no personal application means you are only deceiving yourself (James 1:22). You are missing out on having God‘s commands guide you and his promises to sustain you. 
  5. Meditate 'day and night' on what you read today (Joshua 1:8).
  6. Don't hide but share you application with others today. There is no better way to help you remember and do your application then by sharing it with others.


P.R.A.Y. acronym - A Great way to end your time with God is by talking with God about your concerns and goals for the day.

  1. Praise & Thanksgiving Praise God for who He is (his attributes) and thank him for what He has and will do.
  2. Repent of the sins committed and the commands ignored.  Ask God to reveal your hidden sins to you and to help you not to sin. 
  3. Ask for the needs of others and myself with faith, persistence, and patience.
  4. Yield to his will on my requests and schedule for today. (“Not my will but yours be done” Luke 22:42 NIV)


Highly recommended

  1. Read through the New Testament in a year ( to so you can yearly learn, review & obey everything (Matthew 28:19-20).
  2. If you fall behind in your reading, only read/study today's reading. Next year you'll be able to study the missed passage again.  



Creation date: Aug 31, 2023 8:55am     Last modified date: Mar 30, 2024 6:42pm   Last visit date: May 18, 2024 7:46pm
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