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God Save the King !
Isaiah 36-39
  1. What difference do you notice when you face crises in the Spirit's power versus in your own strength?
  2. How typical do you think Hezekiah's responses were to the crises he faced?
  3. How does pride often affect our response to crises and conflicts?
  4. What alternative solutions could Hezekiah have chosen to deal with the crisis?
  5. What solutions would you recommend to the king, and why?
  6. What principles can you glean from Hezekiah's experiences that would motivate you to become a person of prayer and one who trusts God?
  7. What do you think abut Hezekiah's prayer for healing? (see Is 38:1-5)
  8. As you think back on Hezekiah's experiences, what lessons on prayer, faith, and pride do you want to remember?

Creation date: May 25, 2005 11:23am     Last modified date: Jun 2, 2005 2:46am   Last visit date: Sep 11, 2024 9:45am
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