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01 Bridget

Update Received January 2015:Tuesday, January 13, 2015 marks Bridget’s 2-year adoptiversary! Here are a couple pictures of her getting ready to head out for a winter walk. Our twice-daily walks are always among the highlights of her day (and mine). I love her to the moon and back and cannot imagine life without her. Many thanks, as always, to you for all the fine work you do.


Update Received January 2014: Today is Bridget’s one-year adoptiversary so I thought I’d send you this recent photo of her. Bridget is such a sweet, loving, well-behaved lady and just a joy! Her favorite activities: playing with squeaky toys, short games of “chase” with Theo the cat, our twice-daily walks, socializing at doggy day care, and just curling up and snuggling on the couch in front of the fireplace on cold winter days. Many thanks, as always, to everyone at All Dog Rescue, for making Bridget’s adoption possible!


Update Received May 2013: Bridget and I celebrated her six-month adoption anniversary 07/13/2013. Here’s a recent snapshot of her napping in her favorite spot in the house: “our” bed. No worries, there’s plenty of room for everyone. Bridget is enjoying the long summer days with daily walks, playing in the yard, dips in the wading pool, and hanging out with her doggy day care pals about once a week. I feel so fortunate to have Bridget and cannot imagine life without her!


Update Received May 2013: We just celebrated Bridget’s 4-month adoption anniversary!  What a treasure she is!  She loves daily walks, fetching her tennis ball, and occasionally playing a spirited but respectful game of “tag” with Theo the cat.  Here are a few photos of my beautiful girl.

Update Received February 2013:  Hello everyone at ADR!  Tomorrow marks 4 weeks since I brought Bridget home and I wanted to share this picture. As you can see, she’s settling in very nicely! She is a delightful and much loved addition to the family. A heartfelt thank-you to everyone at ADR who made it possible for Bridget to find her way to us.

Creation date: Jun 19, 2011 8:02am     Last modified date: Jan 11, 2015 8:02pm   Last visit date: Sep 16, 2024 3:08am
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