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Yin Yang Qualities (unconsciously expressed)



actor - and guilty

aggression "macho psychotic"

assertion of ego

independent - no one tells me what to do

sexual and not sensual

anger expressed through:
     compulsive competitiveness
     cynicism & coldness

treats women as objects/possessions

attracted to appearances
"life is a jungle; people are not to be trusted"

he says to her, "Don't be so naive"

resists touching

wants to be left alone

objective, rational, externalized
reactor - and enraged victim

repression of aggression - sweet

repression of assertion - compliant

repression of autonomy - dependent

sensual and not sexual

anger expressed through:
     tears, blaming, punishing
     depression and hypochondria

seeks romantic fusion with a man as a "rescue symbol" & "success object"

attracted to power
"people are 'nice' "

she says to him, "Don't be so cynical"

craves touching

wants closeness

subjective, emotional, internalized

Creation date: Jan 20, 2008 4:45pm     Last modified date: Jan 20, 2008 4:53pm   Last visit date: Sep 19, 2024 3:56pm
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