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Amazing Benefits Of Shea Butter In Natural Soap And Deodorant



What is Shea Butter?


Shea butter, a type of fat made from the nuts and seeds of the shea tree, is a kind of fat. It is liquid at room temperature, and off-white. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and the shea butter that is used in Lion & Rose Soaps and Deodorants comes from Ghana.


Shea butter is a great ingredient to add to soap recipes. It's been used for centuries as an ingredient in cosmetics. Due to its rich concentrations of vitamins and essential fatty acids, combined with its easy-to use consistency, shea butter is a great addition to any deo recipe. This makes it an ideal ingredient to soothe and moisturize fragile skin. Here are 9 reasons Lion & Rose uses shea butter in all of its products.


It is safe for all skin types


Although shea butter technically comes from the nut of a tree It isn't high in allergens like many tree nuts.


Shea butter can be used for all types of skin. It's not a source of chemical irritants that could dry the skin. It doesn't clog pores , which is crucial for unscented shea butter soap and deodorant products.


It's moisturizing


Shea butter can provide amazing moisturizing effects due to its fatty acid content which includes linoleic and oleic as well as stearic, and palmitic acids.


These oils can be quickly absorb by the skin when you apply shea oil to the surface of your skin. They act as a "refatting" substance, which helps in restoring liquids and rapidly creating moisture. This helps to strengthen the barrier between your skin and the outside world, keeping moisture in and reduces dry and chapped skin.


It's anti-inflammatory


The plant esters of shea butter were found to have anti-inflammatory properties. Skin responds to soap without palm oil by activating inflammation cells to decrease their production. This may help to reduce irritation from factors like dry weather or excesma, an inflammatory condition of the skin.


It is an antioxidant


Shea butter is abundant in vitamin A and E which boost antioxidants. Antioxidants are important anti-aging agents since they protect skin cells from free radicals that can lead to premature aging and dull looking skin.


It's antifungal


Products from the Shea tree are regarded as potent ingredients to defeat skin infections caused by fungi.


This can help in preventing the possibility of future breakouts.


Shea Butter's unique combination of various types of fatty acids may aid in removing the excess oil that is on the skin (sebum).


In parallel, shea butter soap moisture to skin and locks it to the epidermis, ensuring that skin doesn't feel dry or stripped of its natural oils. Restoring the natural balance of the skin's oils can help to stop acne before it starts.


Collagen Production is actually Enhanced


Shea butter is rich in triterpenes which are natural substances that are believed to slow collagen fiber destruction. This can minimize the appearance of wrinkles and lead to more youthful-looking skin.


It promotes cell regeneration


Shea's moisturizing and antioxidant properties combine to aid your skin in the production of healthy new cells. The body constantly makes new skin cells, and sheds old skin cells. Dead skin cells lie on the top. The lower layer of skin is where new skin cells are formed. Shea butter is a great ingredient to keep a healthy moisture balance and allows for more cell renewal within the epidermis.


It can help ease the symptoms of eczema and dermatitis, and psoriasis


Shea's anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe the skin and ease itching. This can be particularly beneficial in the treatment of skin disorders such as eczema , psoriasis or e.


Creation date: Jul 19, 2022 3:33am     Last modified date: Jul 19, 2022 3:33am   Last visit date: May 28, 2024 4:42am
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