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What Are The Advantages Of Telematics In Fleet Management?


Telematics gives a digital outline of all aspects of a vehicle's operation, helping fleet managers understand where improvements can be made in accident prevention measures and the safety of drivers. Telematics technology can help fleets achieve operational improvements in key areas:


Reduced costs for fuel:


The whg telematics can assist in identifying areas of waste, like idled vehicles or fuel slippage, and allow fleet managers to address them quickly and positively impact the efficiency of fuel and also the overall bottom line. It also can help managers determine the most efficient method for each driver in order to cut down on unnecessary miles.


Safety improvements Fleet managers are able to provide feedback on their driving habits and styles to help them coach their drivers to reduce dangerous driving habits such as speeding or harsh braking. Based on the data actionsable reports that reveal driver performance and support new safety targets Improvements are possible.


Increased productivity: With close real-time GPS system information, drivers can help avoid traffic delays and plan for inclement weather. Back office managers can quickly and efficiently assign any new or added site visits to the closest vehicle and instruct them on the most efficient way to get there.


Better payroll management Fleet managers can keep track of the exact time vehicles began at the beginning of each day and finishes at the end of every day, giving them an automated record of how long the employee was working. This lets business owners ensure that employees are paid the correct hours worked and eliminates unnecessary time spent making timesheets match with job ticket.



Is Telematics Expensive?

It is all dependent on your fleet management solution. While it's relatively cheap and simple to track GPS on a map provides little insight. Combining a fully integrated telematics, solution with other technology like dashcams, electronic logging devices and smart route planning can yield a higher ROI. However, it's more expensive upfront.


Better visibility of the fleet lets you know the fleet's usage and what it's doing at the time. With fleet tracking systems' near-real-time fleet analytics, customizable dashboards enable you to monitor progress towards budgets and KPIs. In the long run, GPS fleet tracking can aid in identifying hidden costs, while providing the potential for increased efficiency and productivity throughout an entire business. It is well worth the investment.


The future of Telematics


Telematics is set to experience an exponential increase as new applications are developed to benefit from modern GPS units as well as the increasing usage of mobile devices. More fleets are realizing the need to track operations of their fleets to manage costs, improve productivity, enhance accountability and ensure compliance with government regulations.


As owners look beyond the basic needs in order to reach "increasing integrations with the wider range of enterprise operations such as mobile workforce management, ERP software, and business management software," telematics will become an integral element of modern fleet operations.


Creation date: Sep 21, 2021 11:42pm     Last modified date: Sep 21, 2021 11:42pm   Last visit date: May 6, 2024 6:40am
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Feb 16, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
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