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It has been a tradition that most of the family gathers here in PV on Christmas day. No telling how long that will continue, but everyone but Rebecca was here this year. Rebecca lives in Hawaii, and she will be here for Katharine`s wedding on February 2nd.
Nan and Dan came to PV to help decorate the tree.  Their skills and speed stringing the lights is shocking to see. I think they get a big  charge out of it.
Note: The light and tree are not really that color. I guess the flash caused the color distortion.
I've been working on the railroad........
And here the engineer is getting ready for a long run.
Marie loves toy trains, and she received a beautiful set for her last birthday. Then, as an early Xmas gift, she received more track and a pair of switches. So here she is using her neat control to make the train zip around the track. What fun
Now, as Christmas nears, the gifts are piling up and the choo choo is awaiting new engineers.. All of the remaining photos on this page were taken by Tom Jr. and given to me. Thanks Tom.
The big day has finally arrived, and Rose is ready  to start!
Here Christina keeps busy in the kitchen. There is another guest that we can not see yet, our eagarly expected first great grandchild, scheduled for arrival on or about April 1st. Such excitement!!!
Katharine will be the focus of the next big family gathering when she and Will are married on Fevurary 2nd. What fun awaits!
Now, here is groom to be, Will. Looks a little pensive, doesn't he? But he has been very, very busy on wedding planning and other projects.
Julie, Nancy and her cat sweater, and Dan discuss their Christmas hopes.
Here is Jennifer home on Christmas break from Cal Poly State University at San Luis Obispo.
Marie, dolled up in her Chrismas sweater, is enjoying the visiting family.
Another of Nancy's great smiles!
Ian is also on college Christmas break. Several days ago he drove from  Pomona College directly to the airport to meet his family who had just flown in from San Francisco.
Here is another view of Marie's PV Choo Choo.
Now we are all in the living room engrossed in opening presents.
The procedure is that everyone takes turns opening their presents.  Marie and I are ready to go!
Monica and her new husband, Oscar, who were married last August.
Dan and Jennifer joining in the Christmas joy.
Ian likes what he received!
Richard capturing the action.
Kathy seems to like it
Nice big smile, Rob.
Rose , Andrea and Rob examine the latest gift.
Katharine, Marie and Me. No - that big bag does not contain my presents, just the discarded wrappings.
Nancy and Dan have many hours of entertainment ahead! Maybe I can borrow something some day.
Ian likes it, but I can't make out what it is.
Rose looks more and more like her mom every day. And that is great.
Aaron likes this one.
The newlyweds are pleased!
Kathy and Richard having fun.
Julie loves the new hat thatt Andrea made for her. It looks great and should keep her warm in Wisconsin.
Katharine, the bride-to-be sure looks happy.
I am starting to look bored, but that is the way that it is when one cannot really see the gifts very well. But I am really having a ball!
More entertainment for Nan and Dan
Our two college kids having fun.
This gift has hit the mark with Will! Look at that smle!
Monica and Oscar - just look at those newly wed smiles! Ain't love grand!
Kathy and Richard are scheduled to become Grand Parents soon!  And that will make Marie and me Great Grandparents!!! And we all are super happy!
Marie loves her new fanny pack sized to hold her portable cd player as she works in the garden. I got one also.
That is very pretty, and Nancy agrees.
Our expectant mother sure is beautiful and happy!  Thanks be to God for this blessing!
Julie sure looks pleased!
Rob waiting for his turn
I think Marie hit the jackpot!
It is awful hard to get a serious photo of Monica since she always has such a smile. But this is a beauty.
Rose and Andi exploring a gift.(one of
Well, that is enough of the indoor festivities. So the younger generation took a walk down to the cliffs.
Aaron pauses to drink the beauty in.
This is what he sees. It looks to me as though the tide is out.
Well, it was another great family Christmas.
 Thanks for coming,all the great presents, and come back soon!

Creation date: Feb 10, 2008 10:18am     Last modified date: Feb 12, 2008 5:26pm   Last visit date: Sep 5, 2024 6:05am
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