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Our pre turkey pictures ... somebody had my camera on a funny setting.
 I stashed the turkey in my dress.
 Tai and Karma were supposed to be carving the turkey...
 Saha and Laura
Dinner was at Tai's house, Epes made the turkey and the ham
(Tai, Felix, Karma, and Epes)... all hungry boys.
 ... Look I got all the boys to put nice shirts on for dinner, it was a big first! Might not have happened if I wasn't pregnant.
 Laura, mama Julie and Saha... getting ready to serve.
 After turkey.
These are our neighbors and Epes's childhood friend Karma and wife Laura 
 Kim likes to take pictures of people eating just like dad.
 Most of our Thanksgiving group
Big Epes's flannel jacket was a big hit, he dug it up just for me!
 Crazy neighbor Tooly put on a firework show on after dinner
 This is sunset from a couple nights before, down at Hooikipa 

Creation date: Dec 5, 2008 4:00pm     Last modified date: Dec 5, 2008 4:20pm   Last visit date: Aug 29, 2024 11:08pm
7 / 1000 comments
Dec 5, 2008  ( 5 comments )  
Monica Galvan (monica)
Thanks for the pictures!  Everyone looked awesome all dressed up.  You looked beautiful!
Richard Carr (richard)
Thanks so much for sharing your photos!  So glad you had a good time!
Kathy Carr (kathy)
Great job getting everyone to dress up and I'm thankful I get to come and see you all soon, can't wait!! Love, Mamita
Christina Roper (croper)
I love getting to see some of your life (now that you put up pictures)!  Pretty dress as always.  You need to put up a profile picture, because in these pictures you do not look that big yet.  Looks like a great Thanksgiving.
Tom Carr (penpaint)
More great photos and food. It looks like it was a big success. Thanks for sharing.
Love, Grandpa
Dec 6, 2008  ( 2 comments )  
Katharine Carr (katharine)
YOu are looking great!
Marie Carr (nanarie)
I reallly enjoyed seeing all these great pictures of all those thankful people. Thanks for putting them up. Now i can hardly wait to see your Christmas pictures, and then the baby pictures!
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