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2 - Shanghai Part 2
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Creation date: Feb 27, 2011 4:00pm     Last modified date: Sep 5, 2011 10:48pm   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 12:50am
2 / 20 comments
Mar 5, 2011  ( 1 comment )  
Christina Roper (croper)
Yay, you put up more pictures!  Love Nolan's 'segway'.  You must be so excited to have more cooking options with a bbq!  That hot wheels display is pretty cool.  Love Lilah's modeling pictures.  Memphis also enjoys painting with the same paint.  So fun to see more of your life in China...thank you for sharing!
Mar 6, 2011  ( 1 comment )  
Becky Garrett (becky)
LOVE THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to see you guys!!!!
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