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Fixin' Up Lisa

Fixin' Up Lisa
A lady at Bri's firm has her house on the market and needed some help.  She had a whole page of projects, but I thought it could all be done in a day. 
Turns out I was right, for a change.
One job was fixin "a couple of loose tiles" in the upstairs hall bath.  I took out the two real loose ones and then found a few more.  Like 41.  The back of each tile was as clean as it was from the store. None of these tiles had stuck to any of the floor mastic. 

An hour later, it looked a lot better. I scraped the old grout off each of the 41 tiles and then glued them back in place. I used the 'glue' as the grout too.  They make a product that is both an adhesive and grout that comes premixed in a plastic tub.  The almond color I used here even matched the old dingy white grout pretty well.

One of her garage door openers would stick quite often. But greased up and bathed in WD40 it worked fine every time.  Yes, I did the same to the other one too.  The whole garage also got replacement light bulbs as did the flood lights outside.
The master both shower leaked and ruined part of the garage ceiling below.  I took off the drain screen and caulked up the joints from the inside.  Hey, it's what she wanted, as it had been done before.  I offered to come back and do it the right way, and repair the ceiling, if it still leaks.
I got a quart of paint that matched pretty well and touched up a wall in the bath area.
Two ends of a dining room window sill.  The dog had chewed off the corners when he was younger.  So I rebuilt them with plastic filler.  It took a couple of applications and sandings to get it right.  The final coat of paint, after these photos, made them look like new.
A downstairs toilet got a new flapper and up in the attic I replaced a light bulb and a couple of furnace filters.
Either the fridge or dishwasher was leaking, but only once in a while.
I moved and cleaned the fridge but it was dry as a bone. 
I did find water under one corner of the dishwasher.  The door seal was old and full of grease.  I cleaned the grease off and told the homeowner it could use a new gasket.  If we could find a source.
This should look fimilar to the kids.  Lisa is the buyer of our old treadmill.
All my jobs were conducted under the supervision of this green eyed devil.
Actually, while she was quite interested in my doings, she never got very close.
Lisa was happy with all my work and may have more in the future.
Today (Sunday) I helped a neighbor, Rob, get power to his microwave again.  He'd been trying for a month and yesterday I loaned him my meter, but he couldn't find the problem. 
So he asked me to come over.
I found a bad connection in fifteen minutes and billed him for an hour.
Till next time, y'all take care.

Creation date: Feb 8, 2009 5:52pm     Last modified date: Feb 8, 2009 6:49pm   Last visit date: Apr 29, 2024 2:16pm
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