Creation date: Feb 11, 2013 5:55am Last modified date: Feb 11, 2013 6:19am Last visit date: Feb 14, 2025 12:20pm
4 / 1000 posts
Feb 11, 2013 ( 4 posts ) 2/11/2013
Bob Elek (w3hkk)
You nailed it, Eldon!
25 different members must be worked. And working those 25 members must include a grand total of 5 different modes and 10 different bands. Period.
ie Even if you could work just one member on five modes and 10 bands, you still need 24 other member qsos. Or any combination in between that add up to 25/5/10.
Cooken Club (cooken)
Very good idea Bob. I think you should clarify that you do not have to contact all 25 stations on 50 band*mode pairs...... ust as long as you spread your 25 contacts out to include at least one each on the 10 bands and at least one on each of five modes. At least I hope you didn't mean 25*5*50 contacts or we will be here forever.
I am going to list my bands and modes for those wanting to make a contest QSO or check out a new mode. I can get on 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2, and 70 cm all modes and 33 cm FM only.
CW, SSB, AM, FM, PSK, RTTY, and any other digital mode someone wants to try. I do not consider echo link a mode and will not be making any of those kind of schedules.
I usually monitor 145.700 when I am in ham shack.
W5UHQ Cooken charter member Eldon 1959. email me at eldon@softpro.cc for a schedule. 2/11/2013
Bob Elek (w3hkk)
Hints and Tips on making your WAC contacts:
1. During or after weekly nets. (ask Net Control first.) 2. During COOKEN Special Events and Contest Events. 3. The next events for WW8OH are the last weekend of Feb ( CQWW160 meter ssb contest), and the first weekend in March ( ARRL WW DX ssb Contest, on 10-15-20-40-80-160m) We will work you if we can hear you. 4. The next event for W8TNX is Arbor Day, in April, at a date yet to be determined ( 40m ssb). 5. W8FD is only active for Field Day in late June. We have multiple stations on multiple modes, including 10-15-20-40-80-160m) 6. Private scheds can be arranged in advance by any method you choose, or better yet, arranged following the regular scheduled nets. 7. Use of 2m to spot or inquire about operating frequencies for WW8OH, W8TNX, W8FD, and any member station is permitted. (Note: Remember, COOKEN is allowed use of the 88 repeater, but does not contribute directly to its upkeep. Individuals who use the 88 machine are encourages to make a personal donation to this very important repeater.
Bob Elek (w3hkk)
The WAC award is officially open for business. You may begin making and tracking your contacts now. Good luck to all. |