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Turn It Around! (from Esther, It's Tough Being a Woman)



In the book of Esther, I learned 7 principles of how God turned situations and events upside down and inside out to change the outcome.These are from Beth Moore's Bible study entitled "Esther:  It's Tough Being a Woman" 


1.  It's tough being a woman in another woman's shadow, but God says: "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." Ps. 91:1


2. It's tough being a woman in a world where beauty is a treatment, but God says: " He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Eccl. 3:11


3.  It's tough being a woman in a mean world, but God says:  " Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.  Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked." I Tim. 1:18-19


4.  It's tough being a woman thrown a giant size weight, but God says: " Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. I Peter 5:7 and " But the Lord your God refused to listen to Balaam. He turned the intended curse into a blessing because the Lord your God loves you." Deut. 23:5


5.  It's tough being a woman in the tight fist of fear, but God says:  Blessed are you, O Israel! 
  " Who is like you, 
   a people saved by the LORD? 
He is your shield and helper 
   and your glorious sword. 
Your enemies will cower before you, 
   and you will trample down their high places.   Deut. 33:29


6.  It's tough being a woman who can balance passion with patience, but God says:  "Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; 
   he rises to show you compassion. 
For the LORD is a God of justice. 
   Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18


7.  It's tough being a woman  who feels responsible for the "how", but God says:   "if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment. Peter 2:9 and ...
 for he knows how we are formed, 
   he remembers that we are dust."  Psalm 103:14


Read the book of Esther in the Bible to see how God turned an orphan Jewish child into the Queen of Persia and used her to save all Jews in the Persian empire from the genocide planned  by the evil prime minister Haman. To this day the annual festival of Purim is inspired by her courage and the wisdom of her cousin Mordecai.

Creation date: Apr 1, 2012 8:52pm     Last modified date: Apr 22, 2012 5:07pm   Last visit date: Jan 10, 2025 8:42pm
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Apr 3, 2012  ( 1 comment )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)

Very uplifting!!!

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