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Photo: When we are quick to react to our sexual chemistry for another, we don't give ourselves the chance to get to know that person to find out if we actually LIKE them. When we allow ourselves to be led like a dog on a leash by our sexual energy, we always end up getting emotionally involved with people we may not necessarily be a match for. Then we're stuck trying to work some relationship out that we don't even want to be in.

Instead of immediately reacting to and projecting our sexual chemistry with someone onto them, we can choose to relate to those sexual feelings as some magical life energy to FEEL & ENJOY within our bodies. We can even manage that powerful creative force in various ways:

- we can direct that energy from our lower chakras to our heart-space, so that we can communicate from our heart instead of our lower chakras
- we can direct that sacred sexual healing force toward a place inside our body or consciousness that needs our nurturing and loving attention
- we can channel that creative power into a project, your business, dancing, poetry, or to fuel forward whatever goal/intention you may have in any area of your life


When we are quick to react to our sexual chemistry for another, we don't give ourselves the chance to get to know that person to find out if we actually LIKE them. When we allow ourselves to be led like a dog on a leash by our sexual energy, we always end up getting emotionally involved with people we may not necessarily be a match for. Then we're stuck trying to work some relationship out that we don't even want to be in.

Instead of immediately reacting to and projecting our sexual chemistry with someone onto them, we can choose to relate to those sexual feelings as some magical life energy to FEEL & ENJOY within our bodies. We can even manage that powerful creative force in various ways:

- we can direct that energy from our lower chakras to our heart-space, so that we can communicate from our heart instead of our lower chakras
- we can direct that sacred sexual healing force toward a place inside our body or consciousness that needs our nurturing and loving attention
- we can channel that creative power into a project, your business, dancing, poetry, or to fuel forward whatever goal/intention you may have in any area of your life



















Creation date: Jul 20, 2012 2:35pm     Last modified date: Jun 29, 2016 11:39pm   Last visit date: Nov 25, 2024 11:25pm
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