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Ocean City, MD Timeshares
The East Coast's Favorite Beach Resort - Timeshares in Ocean City, Maryland
Down on the Boardwalk

Ocean City, Maryland, the White Marlin Capital of the World, was designated an "All-American City" in 2001. Ocean City is known far and wide for its fabulous boardwalk. says the boardwalk has recently been named one of the top 10 boardwalks in the country.

Ocean City is a long peninsula along the coast. It provides the only sea coast in Maryland. Stretching three miles long, the boardwalk begins at the south tip of the peninsula and runs almost all the way to 28th Street. It borders the beach, a place where the Army Corp of Engineers are always replenishing the sand. Sand erosion is a significant concern in a beach resort area such as Ocean City. The boardwalk helps keep people off the sand and this helps with the erosion issues. The boardwalk also now has a companion, a concrete walkway running alongside it. This is used by bicycles, baby-strollers, and wheelchair users.

All along the boardwalk you’ll find souvenir shops, small bars, places to eat, and street performers. If you want to be a hip insider, make sure you know about Thrasher’s Fries, Bull-on-the-Beach, Kohr’s Ice Cream and Tony’s Pizza. There are also several bike rental shops so if you didn’t bring a bike you can still enjoy an early morning ride along the beach.

Ocean City Maryland Timeshares

Many people visiting Ocean City become enchanted with its sparkling white beach and moderate temperatures. They would love to come back again and again. Well, they can. Timeshares are an easily affordable way to "own" a vacation home in a beautiful place such as Ocean City, Maryland. Just imagine, you won’t have to worry about all the hassles and headaches of actually owning a second home. Known as vacation ownership, with a timeshare you’ll literally own the timeshare during the week or two you vacation there. In other words, you have exclusive use of the property for a specified time each year. You don’t own the remaining 51 weeks of the year. You "share" the space and expenses with other timeshare owners and you only pay for the actual time you use. You will probably also have to pay an annual maintenance fee. The costs of the timeshare are shared by you and the other owners and your fee covers things such as repairs and taxes.

There are two basic kinds of vacation ownership. One is a "fee-simple" arrangement and this means the purchaser has a title, title insurance, and a warranty deed. As a purchaser you can sell, lease or will your interest. Most vacation resorts are fee-simple.

Another kind of timeshare is a "right-to-use" arrangement. As the purchaser, you haven’t actually bought real estate but instead you have the exclusive right to use the unit for a specified number of years.

Before buying your Ocean City timeshare consider this: the location, the type of vacation you like, the season you want to vacation in, the amount of time you usually vacation, and the activities you like to do while on vacation.. If Ocean City fits the bill, you will be enjoying this vibrant beach resort for years to come.

If you’re looking for a timeshare "down on the boardwalk," in Ocean City, Maryland, check out Ketch Real Estate Co, II, Inc, the leading timeshare resale company in Ocean City. They deal with all 14 timeshare resorts in Ocean City. You, too, can own a little piece of this much-loved East Coast vacation destination.


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