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Why This Reading Plan?

Why this reading plan?


  1. In Jesus' Great Commission "go and make disciples …baptizing them ... (20) and teaching them to OBEY

    EVERYTHING I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus expects his disciples to obey EVERYTHING he has have commanded.

  2. Since this reading plan is only the New Testament instead of the whole Bible it only takes 4 minutes of reading vs 15 minutes of reading.  This allows much more time for prayerfully examining the Scriptures and identifying the commands and promises and figuring out how to follow them. Every year you'll be able to prayerfully consider ALL of Jesus' commands.
  3. To help you focus on obeying the reading plan slows down on the passages where there are many instructions allowing you more time with each command.
  4. The four Gospels are spread out over the year with one Gospel every 3 months.
  5. The rest of the reading plan is in chronological order except for Revelations which is moved from the Christmas season to November.
  6. It's recommended the New Living Translation (NLT) is used for the first year's reading since it's an outstanding translation for reading.
  7. It's suggested you try the iLOT Bible Study method as you slowly read through the New Testament in a year.

Creation date: Aug 23, 2021 9:06pm     Last modified date: Aug 31, 2023 9:02am   Last visit date: Mar 1, 2025 5:45am
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