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Walk Thou With Me
Walk Thou With Me

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Walk Thou With Me

Walk Thou with me, nor let my footsteps stray
Apart from Thee, throughout life's threatening way;
Be Thou my Guide, the Path I cannot see;
Close to Thy side, Lord, let me walk with Thee.


Dear Savior, let me trust my hand in Thine,
And let me know Thy steps are guiding mine;
Life's changing way is oft times dark to me,
I fear no ill if I may walk with Thee.

Through weary years my way hath miry been;
My bitter tears Thy pitying eye hath seen;
My fainting heart hath heard Thy voice divine;
My trembling hand asks but to rest in Thine.


No earthly foe can give my spirit fear;
No threatening woe can quail when Thou art near;
No tempter's snare can turn my steps aside,
For in Thy care, I'm safe whate'er betide.


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Creation date: Aug 11, 2007 4:47pm     Last modified date: Aug 11, 2007 4:50pm   Last visit date: Sep 14, 2024 5:52pm
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